Do you realize our skin is the biggest organ of the body and there’s a lot to cover!
We love our snuggle time with our pet parents and sometimes they will feel a bump or rash on our skin. Should they worry? They may find some missing fur, black spots or even a funny-looking toenail. Are these things something of concern?
For most of our pet parents, it’s tough to know what skin issues are ok and what needs attention. Missing fur can be from a lost battle with a housemate. A black spot could be a tick. A rash may indicate seasonal or food allergies. A little bump could be cancer. It’s vital to have bumps and lumps examined quickly to rule out that horrible cancer. Rashes can spread so quickly causing painful “hot spots”.
Whenever we go in for our wellness exam at Animal MD, Dr Bahns or Dr Boller will assess every part of us from the tip of our nose to the tip of our tail. They make sure we are healthy and they help us stay that way!